Contact us

Contact the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board.

Please note the following contact detail are not to be used to raise a safeguarding concern. You will find information about how to raise a a safeguarding concern on Birmingham City Council's reporting safeguarding adult concerns webpages

If you would like to contact the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board you can contact us in the following ways:

Email us at :

Please note there may be delays in responding to communication sent to our postal address at this time as we are not office based. Where possible please contact us by email.

Postal address:
Safeguarding Adults Team
P.O Box 15537
B2 2PQ

Raising a Issue /Making a Complaint

We welcome your feedback and the opportunity to improve ways of working.

The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) has a role in coordinating and ensuring the effectiveness of local arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults with care and support needs. However it is not accountable for the operational work of Board partners and any other organisations working with adults with care and support needs.

If you are dissatisfied with an action or decision made by the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board in the first instance please write to us.

The BSAB follows the Birmingham City Council Complaint Process.

Following this if you wish to raise a formal complaint about the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board visit the following webpage which details the complaint process:

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