About us

Welcome to the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board

Phot of Dr Carolyn Kus

The first thing I want you to know about us is that we are committed to listening to the voice of the citizens of Birmingham. To prove this we will ensure that, wherever possible, safeguarding responsibilities across the city are delivered in a way that empowers the community and individual citizens.

Our ultimate aim is that Birmingham is a city free from harm and neglect, and we are working closely with our partners to achieve this goal.

Our priorities include working with our partner organisations to develop effective preventative and early intervention strategies that minimize the risk of abuse and neglect occurring. We wish to work together to establish safer communities for people with care and support needs and citizens who are vulnerable.

We will scrutinise and support those who work in the city to ensure we all continue to remain committed to continuously improving and to high quality person centred safeguarding. 

This site not only provides information for citizens but also for those working in professions supporting vulnerable adults across the city. I hope you find the resources useful for citizens and professionals alike, it’s a resource for Birmingham people regardless of your position – we are determined to ensure that everyone recognises that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Looking forward to a positive future for every citizen in Birmingham.

Dr Carolyn Kus

BSAB Independent Chair