Safeguarding Adults Reviews
How to make a referral for a Safeguarding Adult Review
What to do if you feel a case may meet the criteria for a Safeguarding Adult Review?
If you feel the criteria has been met for a Safeguarding Adults Review, as mentioned in the earlier section and you work for an organisation, we ask that you discuss this with a senior person or safeguarding lead within your organisation before submitting a referral.
Do not use the SAR Referral Form to report abuse. If you have safeguarding concerns about an adult with care and support needs, please report that as a Safeguarding Concern.
- Individuals or agencies should complete the BSAB SAR Referral Form including information they may have about the case.
- Email the BSAB SAR Referral Form to:
- Following receipt of the Referral Form, we will make a decision on whether the SAR criteria has been met to carry out a review.