Latest news and events news
BSAB Annual Report Published
We have now published our Annual Report for 2023 - 24
Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Trauma Informed Practice
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum.
Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Self Neglect
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum.
BSAB Annual Report Published
We have published our Annual Report for 2022-23
Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Information Sharing
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum.
Book Now : Lewisham Learning Event for the Eileen Dean and Amanda Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)
Lewisham Safeguarding Adult Board are hosting a Online Event sharing the learning from a two of their Safeguarding Adults Reviews
Book Now - BSAB Practitioner Forum - Missing Persons, Control and Coercion
Booking is now available for our next face to face Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum on 9 March 2023.
See our latest newsletter
View our latest newsletter for Autumn Winter 22/23
Book Now BSAB Practitioners Forum 15 December 2022
Booking is available for our next Practitioner Forum on the 15 December 2022 between 13:00-15:30 at 10 Woodcock Street Birmingham.
Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15 June 2022
On the 15th of June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day to raise awareness of elder abuse, a very serious issue that affects almost all older people at some point in their lives.
Government Consultation on Mental Capacity Act 2005
The Government is consulting on the proposed changes to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) Code of Practice, which includes guidance on the new Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) system.
New strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls.
Tackling violence against women and girls strategy - a policy paper. The document is the new strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls.
Modern Slavery Update - March 22
The Update on work around Modern Slavery by Morgan Mead - Modern Slavery Co-Ordinator for Birmingham City Council has now been published.
West Midlands MARAC - A MARAC basics and refresher training sessions available to safeguarding professionals across the West Midlands Region.
West Midlands MARAC will be hosting a series of events designed to improve connections with key sectors and partners. MARAC is the multi-agency response to high risk domestic abuse in the West Midlands
Booking available: Birmingham Against FGM Conference 2022 - "Ending FGM in a Generation"
Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership BSCP on behalf of Birmingham against FGM are delivering two virtual conferences about female genital mutilation on the 10 February 2022
Book Now - Safeguarding Adult Partnership Event - Mental Capacity Act
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event to be held virtually on the 8 March 2022. The focus is on Mental Capacity
Register to Attend a Briefing about Hoarding - 10 March 22
Booking is now open to attend a Briefing about Hoarding
Register to Attend a Briefing about Hoarding - 13 September 2022
Booking is now open to attend a Briefing about Hoarding
Revisiting Safeguarding Practice Briefing Document
The Department of Health and Social Care have published a joint, independent briefing setting out the importance of practice principles integral to safeguarding adults.
NHS England Safeguarding: Annual Update 2020/2021
NHS England have published their annual report.
Grant opportunity for community groups supporting domestic abuse
An exciting grant call is now open for local community organisations who support victims of domestic abuse, including children, in Birmingham.
Victims’ Commissioner launches new survey of victims of online harms
Victims' Commissioner launches survey aimed at capturing the lived experience of victims of online harmful and abusive behaviours in England and Wales.
Book Now - Launch Event: Adult Modern Slavery Pathway 19 January 22
A partnership with the West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network and Birmingham City Council
Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum on Hoarding - 15th February 2022
Booking is now available for our next virtual Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum focussing on Hoarding on 15 February 2022 - 10:00 - 12:30.
Free Briefing about Hoarding - 20 January 2022
This free briefing will be delivered for the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board by Heather Matuozzo of Clouds End CIC and Ruth Hare from Birmingham City Council - Adult Social Care.
Domestic Abuse Commissioner Launches Survivor Survey
The Domestic Abuse Commissioner wants to hear about your experiences.
Local Government Ombudsman issues guidance to help domestic abuse survivors
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has issued guidance to help domestic abuse survivors.
View the ADASS Liberty Protection Safeguards Conference Recording
The recording is available about Implementing the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) from a Conference delivered by West Midlands ADASS.
Public offered a better way to help rough sleepers this winter
The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and Birmingham City Council have launched a new winter campaign to help rough sleepers and those at risk of becoming homeless.
Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Domestic Abuse
Booking is now available for our next virtual Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum focussing on Domestic Abuse on 6 December 2021 - 13:00 till 15:30.
State of Care 2020-21 published
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published its annual assessment of health care and social care in England for 2020-21.
Birmingham City Centre Public Space Protection Order Consultation
Birmingham Community Safety Partnership (BSCP) is consulting on the the provision of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Birmingham City Centre
Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event - Self Neglect - 30 November 21
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event to be held virtually on the 30 November 2021. The focus is on Self Neglect
Anti Slavery Day - Modern Slavery Updates
Here are some key updates and information including training for October 2021 from Morgan Mead - Modern Slavery Coordinator, Birmingham City Council - West Midlands Anti Slavery Network
Our Latest Events
Our Latest events are listed on our Events Page
Book now - BSAB Practitioner Forum - Learning From Safeguarding Adult Review - Stephen
Booking is now available for our next virtual Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum on the 4 November 2021. The session will focus on learning from the safeguarding adult review for Stephen.
Birmingham Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment Questionnaires
As part of our ongoing Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment work, BVSC have created a series of questionnaires to be completed by anyone in Birmingham who has been affected by domestic abuse and those who work with survivors of domestic abuse in Birmingham.
Cancelled - Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event - Learning from Reviews - 21 September 2021
This Event Is now cancelled a new date will be published soon.
Police and Crime Plan Consultation 2021
Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster has launched a major consultation as part of his Police and Crime Plan.
Cancelled - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Domestic Abuse - 9 Sept 2021
Due to unforeseen circumstances Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum has been cancelled look out for a new date tbc.
FREE Webinar: Understanding the role of the Designated Lead for Safeguarding in faith-based organisations
The Social Care Centre of Excellence (SCIE) are running a FREE webinar looking at the role of the designated lead for safeguarding in faith-based organisations.
Short Film bout the the needs of Disabled Young People facing Domestic Abuse.
The Anne Craft Trust have created a short film about the We Matter Too project that addresses the needs of disabled young people facing domestic abuse.
Healthwatch Birmingham Publish their Annual Report 2020 -2021
Healthwatch Birmingham have published their Annual Report.
Consultation - Victims Journey from Report to Court
This consultation is for victims of Domestic Abuse / Domestic Violence, whether they have reported the incident(s) or not.
Self Neglect and Applying Mental Capacity Act Webinar
Watch this Useful Webinar
Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event - Loneliness and Social Isolation
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Partnership event to be held virtually on the 25 May 2021. The focus is on Loneliness and Social Isolation
BSAB Spring Newsletter 2021
Welcome to our spring 2021 edition of our newsletter.
Keele University - looking for participants for research into Impact of COVID-19 on Adult Safeguarding
Keele University are inviting frontline practitioners to take part in a survey designed to explore your views about the impact COVID-19 has had on the law and practice of adult safeguarding.
Free Making Safeguarding Personal Session
The Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board have kindly extended the invitation to their Making Safeguarding Personal Session to relevant Partner Agencies in our region.
Birmingham City Council have launched a Charter of Rights and a set of Quality Standards for Exempt Accommodation residents, placing new requirements on providers and managing agents
The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board are pleased to see the launch of these two crucial documents that will seek to make improvement for vulnerable citizens in Birmingham.
Call for Evidence for Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy
This call for evidence was reopened at 6pm on 12 March to further collect views from those with lived experience of, or views on, crimes considered as violence against women and girls.
Birmingham Safeguarding Childrens Partnership Learning and Development Programme
A message from the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership about their learning and development plan.
Message from West Midlands Fire Service - Safe and Well Checks
West Midland Fire Service would like to share the following message with Partners.
Message from Birmingham City Council - Safeguarding Adults Team
Message from Birmingham Adults Social Care - Adults Social Care and 7 Minute Briefing.
CQC Launches Strategy Consultation
CQC have published a formal consultation on their new strategy.
The Importance of Professional Curiosity for Safeguarding Adults
Professional curiosity is a concept which has been recognised as important in the area of safeguarding. More recently, Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) have also highlighted this need.
COVID-19 and Safeguarding Adults: Resource Pack
The Local Government Association (LGA)have compiled a list of Resources.
Restraint Reduction Network Survey
The Restraint Reduction Network has been commissioned by CQC, to help inspectors identify services where there is a closed culture and there is a high risk of abuse/restrictive practices.
Safeguarding remains Everyone's Business
As we go into the third national lockdown in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board would like to share this message
Making Safeguarding Personal Webinar
Research in Practice are hosting two webinars to support the implementation of Making Safeguarding Personal. This work has been commissioned by ADASS and the LGA.
COVID Vaccinations are Free - Be Scam Aware
With the government rolling out vaccination programme for COVID 19 there have been reports of scamming. taking place.
BSAB Winter Newsletter
Welcome to our winter edition of our newsletter.
Staying mentally well: winter plan 2020 to 2021
The Government have released a plan to support people's wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Safeguarding Adults Review Analysis Report – Webinar Launch
The first national analysis of learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews in England report, funded by CHIP and supported by the LGA and ADASS, is being launched at a national webinar.
BSAB Autumn Newsletter
BSAB Autumn 2020 Newsletter.
Book now Coercive Control - Webinar
As part of National Safeguarding Week Sandwell Safeguarding Adults Board are hosting a West Midlands Webinar on Coercive Control.
Webinar on Closed Cultures
Booking is now available for the webinar on Closed Culture to be held on 20 November 2020, hosted by the West Midlands Regional Safeguarding Leads
Webinar on Understanding the Legal Framework for Safeguarding Adults
Booking is now available for the webinar on Understanding the Legal Framework for Safeguarding Adults to be held on 18 November 2020, hosted by the West Midlands Regional Safeguarding Leads
Safeguarding remains 'Everyone's Business' - Lockdown Message from BSAB
As we go into the second national lockdown in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board would like to share this message.
Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event - Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP)
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Partnership event to be held virtually on the 30 November 2020. The focus is on Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP)
LGA Webinars - what constitutes a safeguarding concern?
The LGA is pleased to announce the launch of a series of webinars to support the understanding of what constitutes a safeguarding concern.
West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network: NRM Explanatory Document launched
WM Anti-Slavery Network have produced a multi-lingual document which explains the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for use by First Responders for survivors of Modern Slavery.
Disability hate crime: a guide for carers and supporters
The National Police Chiefs' Council has produced a guide for people who provide support to a person who has been or is at risk of being a victim of disability hate crime.
Researchers to investigate impact of Covid-19 pandemic on adult social care and safeguarding
A new study led by Keele University will investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on services that provide support for adults who have care and support needs.
New funding and guidance to improve housing support for vulnerable people
The government has published a new National Statement of Expectations (NSE) for supported housing.
Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum – Person in a Position of Trust
Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum to be held as a virtual event on the 17 November 2020. The focus is on Person in a Position of Trust (PiPoT)
Amnesty International UK - Care Homes Report
As lockdown began, thousands of patients were sent from hospitals into care homes.
CQC Publish - State of Care Report
The Care Quality Commission have published their State Care report.
Law Commission Consultation on Reforms to the Hate Crime Laws
The Law Commission is now calling for reforms to hate crime laws to make them fairer and, for example, to protect women for the first time (although the proposals are wider than just gender).
Announcement: Change of email address for Birmingham City Council reporting a concern
Adult Social Care have changed their email address for reporting concerns of an adult with care and support needs to Birmingham City Council.
How will CQC regulate during Coronavirus Pandemic
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) have published a statement setting out how they will regulate during the next phase of the Coronavirus.
NICE Consultation - Safeguarding in Care Homes
NICE Consultation - Safeguarding in Care Homes - Closing Date 1 October 2020
The Minister for Social Care has announced that the implementation date for Liberty Protection Safeguards has been delayed until April 2022
In a written statement by Helen Whately, Minister for Care has confirmed that the Liberty Protection Safeguards originally intended to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) on 1 October 2020 will now be delayed until April 2022.
The Clewer Initiative has launched an app to tackle modern slavery in farming, horticulture and food production
The Farm Work Welfare App, developed by The Clewer Initiative, will provide information on employment rights in eight languages and is aimed at the thousands of workers who come every year to help with the harvest of fruit and vegetables on UK farms.
BSAB Summer Newsletter
BSAB Summer 2020 Newsletter.
The Herbert Protocol: Missing person risk reduction tool from West Midlands Police
The Herbert Protocol is an initiative which encourages carers to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing.
Updated Government Guidance Coronavirus (COVID-19): looking after people who lack mental capacity including easy read
The Government have published further updates to the pandemic Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) advice.
Covid-19 Mental Health Support Offer for Birmingham and Solihull
A new Mental Health Support offer is now in place offering emotional help, guidance and reassurance to people in Birmingham and Solihull.
Invitation to apply for community grants to support vulnerable adults
Birmingham City Council is inviting grant applications under the Prevention and Communities Grants Programme, to prevent and relieve hardships for vulnerable adults because of the Covid-19 situation.
Make Yourself Heard
If you’re at risk of domestic abuse, remember the Silent Solution
Easy Read Coronavirus Guidance
Resources to support people with Learning Disabilities and Complex Needs and their families
SCIE gives updated advice for the COVID-19 pandemic and safeguarding
The Social Care Institute of Excellence SCIE gives updated advice for the COVID-19 pandemic and safeguarding. There is an opportunity to register for a series of Safeguarding related webinars.
Domestic Violence and Abuse Professional Briefing in Response to COVID-19
The Police and Crime Commissioner is launching the multi-agency domestic abuse campaign #noexcuseforabuse
Safeguarding Film for Volunteers
This short film is aimed at volunteers and informs them of their role in Safeguarding. "IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING" Thanks to London Borough of Waltham Forest for producing and sharing.
Helpline and Online Support for Vulnerable Citizens Launched by Birmingham City Council
The City Council have launched an online form and emergency phone line which will be answered by trained staff.
BSAB Spring Newsletter
Our Spring 2020 Newsletter is now available to download.
New Documents Supporting Citizens, Volunteers and Community Organisations
We have today published three document. An Information Leaflet supporting vulnerable and people self isolating. Also information for new Volunteers and Community Organisation including free training.
Coronavirus (Covid 19) - A message from Cherry Dale our Independent Chair
Message to Partners from Cherry Dale Independent Chair of the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board.
Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - 4 March 2020
Our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum on the 4 March focuses on Forced Marriage.
BSAB Winter Newsletter 2019
Our Winter Edition of the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) Newsletter is now published.
Events calendar
View the latest events
The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room is a free online resource directory designed to give you information about the right support and advice you when you need it most.