Safeguarding remains Everyone's Business
As we go into the third national lockdown in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board would like to share this message
As we go into the third national lockdown in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board would like to remind Birmingham’s safeguarding adults partnership of the importance of safeguarding.
Please see the following message from Cherry Dale the BSAB Independent Chair:
'Whether there is a lockdown or not there will be adults with care and support needs who are unable to protect themselves from abuse and harm. The first lockdown saw a drop in safeguarding concerns being raised in the initial period of the lockdown. During this third lockdown, just like the first and second, there may be increased risk that a person is neglected or abused and there may be many reasons for this. It is critically important that we all remain vigilant and know what to do if we have a safeguarding concern. Abuse can take many forms, and can sometimes be hidden from plain sight.
For anyone working in health, care, housing, policing, the community & voluntary sector and all members of the community - safeguarding duties have NOT been changed or stood down due to this lockdown and we all have a vital role to play in raising concerns if we have them.
To help protect our communities and those at risk of abuse and harm can I please urge you to continue to talk about safeguarding, be watchful and ask those extra questions. Find out how to report a concern.
Please also check our website for general guidance and easy read versions.
Birmingham City Council have a dedicated page relating to information around COVID- 19 including the support available which includes an Emergency Community Response Hub to provide support to our most vulnerable citizens.
During the first lockdown there was also an increase in reports of domestic abuse and this continues to be increasing Find out more information for support on Domestic Abuse.
Safeguarding remains Everyone Business.
Stay safe and thank you for your continued support of our most vulnerable citizens.
Cherry Dale