Keele University - looking for participants for research into Impact of COVID-19 on Adult Safeguarding

Keele University are inviting frontline practitioners to take part in a survey designed to explore your views about the impact COVID-19 has had on the law and practice of adult safeguarding.
Keele University are inviting frontline practitioners to take part in a survey designed to explore your views about the impact COVID-19 has had on the law and practice of adult safeguarding and social care. They are particularly interested in your experiences of any changes to your practice, and how you have adapted. They envisage that this survey will take no more than 30 minutes. While there is no reward for completing it, your views will inform the understanding of the types of resources needed to support those working in this area for the duration of the pandemic, and beyond.
They are seeking participants who are frontline practitioners with responsibility for adult safeguarding and social care.
They are also looking for frontline social care (or related) professionals with any degree of adult safeguarding activity as part of their work, or non-frontline professionals with specific responsibility for adult safeguarding (e.g. chairs, managers, or members of Safeguarding Adults Boards) who would be willing to participate in research interviews (approx. 1-2 hours each). Anyone who wishes to take part is welcome to email Laura at to arrange. All interviews will be done remotely, and there are assurances of complete anonymity in the project information.