Domestic Abuse Commissioner Launches Survivor Survey

Published: 10th Dec 2021

The Domestic Abuse Commissioner wants to hear about your experiences.

Have you been subject to domestic abuse, live in England and Wales, and used support services or thought about getting support in the past three years?

If so, the Domestic Abuse Commissioner wants to hear from you about your experiences, as part of her national mapping work. This is the first step towards ending the ‘postcode lottery’ in the provision of services that support victims, survivors and their children, and is a critical opportunity to feed into this important work.

The survey should take you 15 – 25 minutes and will be open until 31st January 2021.

The survey is anonymous and will not ask you about your experiences of abuse, but about what help you wanted to receive and how easy or difficult it was to get this help. Please note you must also be over 16 to take part.

Information is available in the survey on how to cover your tracks online, and you might want to think about where you can access the survey privately and safely.

Take the survey by following this link: 

If you would like an Easy Read version of the survey or if you would like to access the survey in Polish, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Arabic, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Romani, British Sign Language or any other language not currently available, please contact 

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