Safeguarding Film for Volunteers
This short film is aimed at volunteers and informs them of their role in Safeguarding. "IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING" Thanks to London Borough of Waltham Forest for producing and sharing.
We previously informed you of the following resources that had been made available for Volunteers and Community Groups.
There is a new one page leaflet for Volunteers and Community Group to help raise awareness about Safeguarding Adults including how to get Safeguarding Basic Awareness Training which is free:
We have adapted a workbook which the Kirklees Safeguarding Adults Board initially produced and which we have had permission to adapt and use. This workbook is mainly aimed at volunteers in organisations that may struggle to access the free e-learning that is available. This could be used by other organisations, who also may be facing challenges in accessing e-learning due to the increase in new volunteers. Please note the e-learning contains a lot more detail and includes Children's Safeguarding (also please follow any advice from The Birmingham Children's Trust and Partnership in regards to their requirement).
The e- learning is available by visiting ttps:// The workbook not a direct replacement for the e-learning and when possible people should complete this. This booklet is available on the link above or the link below:
Lastly you may wish to print the following for your new volunteers or staff:
There is also a useful 3 minute Film for Volunteers to watch, produced and shared by London Borough of Waltham Forest.

If you see something, are told something or something doesn’t feel right you need to report it to your Manager or to Adult Social Care:
Report a Safeguarding Adults Concern
Report a Concern about a Child
If someone is in immediate danger call 999.