Book Now - Safeguarding Adult Partnership Event - Mental Capacity Act

Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event to be held virtually on the 8 March 2022. The focus is on Mental Capacity
Safeguarding Adult Partnership Events are aimed at Organisational Managers and Safeguarding Leads who work with Adults with Care and Support in Birmingham.
The interactive session will include various aspects of the Mental Capacity Act including:
- Advocacy - Delivered by PHoWER/ Advocacy Matters
- Toolkits to support the workforce - Delivered by Bournemouth University
- Applying the Mental Capacity Act into practice.
The intention of the Safeguarding Adults Partnership Network as always is focussed on what we can achieve as partners to share best practice, hearing from people with lived experience to understand any gaps we may have, and to support our ambition of keeping the most vulnerable people free from harm and neglect.
Details for joining the virtual event will be sent following the closing date for bookings.
Please Note: You need to use Microsoft Edge or Chrome to access Eventbrite to book
To book please visit Eventbrite link -