Search results: news
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Results 1 – 27 of about 27.
The Structure and Governance of the Board
Our Governance Structure can be found in our Strategic Plan The BSAB Executive Board is made up of senior representatives from the following organisations: Birmingham City Council ... -
BSAB Newsletters
Newsletters are issued from the Executive Board to all partners four times a year ... -
The BSAB website Homepage
The purpose of the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board is to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs. ... -
Information for professionals -
Publications -
BSAB Winter Newsletter 2019
Our Winter Edition of the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) Newsletter is now published. -
BSAB Spring Newsletter
Our Spring 2020 Newsletter is now available to download. -
Covid-19 Mental Health Support Offer for Birmingham and Solihull
A new Mental Health Support offer is now in place offering emotional help, guidance and reassurance to people in Birmingham and Solihull. -
New funding and guidance to improve housing support for vulnerable people
The government has published a new National Statement of Expectations (NSE) for supported housing. -
Researchers to investigate impact of Covid-19 pandemic on adult social care and safeguarding
A new study led by Keele University will investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on services that provide support for adults who have care and support needs. -
BSAB Autumn Newsletter
BSAB Autumn 2020 Newsletter. -
BSAB Winter Newsletter
Welcome to our winter edition of our newsletter. -
Making Safeguarding Personal Webinar
Research in Practice are hosting two webinars to support the implementation of Making Safeguarding Personal. This work has been commissioned by ADASS and the LGA. -
The Importance of Professional Curiosity for Safeguarding Adults
Professional curiosity is a concept which has been recognised as important in the area of safeguarding. More recently, Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) have also highlighted this need. -
CQC Launches Strategy Consultation
CQC have published a formal consultation on their new strategy. -
Easy Read Coronavirus Guidance
Resources to support people with Learning Disabilities and Complex Needs and their families -
How will CQC regulate during Coronavirus Pandemic
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) have published a statement setting out how they will regulate during the next phase of the Coronavirus. -
BSAB Summer Newsletter
BSAB Summer 2020 Newsletter. -
See our latest newsletter
View our latest newsletter for Autumn Winter 22/23 -
BSAB Spring Newsletter 2021
Welcome to our spring 2021 edition of our newsletter. -
Healthwatch Birmingham Publish their Annual Report 2020 -2021
Healthwatch Birmingham have published their Annual Report. -
Anti Slavery Day - Modern Slavery Updates
Here are some key updates and information including training for October 2021 from Morgan Mead - Modern Slavery Coordinator, Birmingham City Council - West Midlands Anti Slavery Network -
Public offered a better way to help rough sleepers this winter
The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and Birmingham City Council have launched a new winter campaign to help rough sleepers and those at risk of becoming homeless. -
Local Government Ombudsman issues guidance to help domestic abuse survivors
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has issued guidance to help domestic abuse survivors. -
Victims’ Commissioner launches new survey of victims of online harms
Victims' Commissioner launches survey aimed at capturing the lived experience of victims of online harmful and abusive behaviours in England and Wales. -
Grant opportunity for community groups supporting domestic abuse
An exciting grant call is now open for local community organisations who support victims of domestic abuse, including children, in Birmingham. -
New strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls.
Tackling violence against women and girls strategy - a policy paper. The document is the new strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls.